Welcome to the seventh issue of This Week in Dev.
- Converting exceptions into HTTP status codes, another short and great blog post by Adam Bien. Don’t forget to also have a look at Mapping JPA OptimisticLockException into HTTP status code.
- Mario Fusco is posting a series of articles about the popular Gang Of Four design patters in a functional way. So far, there are two articles released, here’s part one and part two.
- Sometimes you need to log the data access in our application. The problem comes when you are using a data access framework, like Hibernate, that uses PreparedStatement and the bound values are not logged. To bypass this issue, Vlad Mihalcea has an interesting article on the best way of logging JDBC statements.
- Lightbend, former TypeSafe, has launched Lagom, a microservices framework. Yannick De Turck and Andreas Evers share their First Impressions and Initial Comparison to Spring Cloud.
- Takipi blogged about the current status of Java EE. For those around or following the Java EE community, this is a good read. Has Oracle given up on Enterprise software?
- Microservices is a buzz term nowadays. Kelly Goetsch, director of product management at Oracle shares, probably, Oracle’s next steps towards microservices.
General development
- When to rewrite from scratch? Why, when and lessons learnt. Autopsy of a failed software. We all had that feeling of rewriting our product from scratch, before making a decision you should read this.
This is it folks, see you next week.