This Week in Dev #2

A bit late this week, Easter and holidays didn’t let me have that much free time. Here’s This Week in Dev issue number two.

Adam Bien has published another great video, The Overhead Of Java EE Application Servers.

Zero Turn Around has pulish another nice article on how to speed up your Maven builds. Meanwhile, you can also speed up your dependencies downloads.

Talking about dependencies and builds, check how one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript.

Still on the NPM, Kik debacle creates worst NPM mess ever.

Have you ever heard of Java 8 Optional? Here’s how to use it and say goodbye to those nasty null pointer exceptions.

What do you think about the JEP 286? Roy van Rijn explains the pros and cons of JEP 286.

Docker just announced they are in beta for Mac and Windows.

Lightbend (formerly known as Typesafe) is giving away a report about Reactive Microservices Architecture, by Lightbend CTO Jonas Bonér. Register to get your.

And finally, tehcnology is moving at a speed never seen before. Check this awesome video: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos.

See you next week.

This Week in Dev #1

I’m starting a new challenge, maintain and blog (around) every weekend a curated list of links I’ve stumble upon during my work week. As I’m a JVM guy, this will be mostly related with Java development but there may be a few here and there links about general topics. So, today is #1.

 share his opinion about the current status of Java, Is Java Dead?

On Java 8,  explains, with a practical example, how to get ArrayList from Stream in Java 8.

Adam Bien has some tips on how to be more productive with JavaEE and Docker.

Joe Armstrong shows one of the big strengths of Erlang, managing two million web servers.

Vamp is in canary-testing version, check this Voxxed interview about Vamp, The Microservices Platform Hedging its Bets on the Container Race.

Stackoverflow just release their Developer Survey Results 2016 with some interesting facts.

Michał Huniewicz visited North Korea and returned with a bunch of great pictures about his journey to get in North Korea and around Pyongyang.

See you next week.