This Week in Dev (TWiD) is a curated list with the most funny and interesting articles I stumble upon during my work and research time.
This issue is more focused on DevOps, a hot trend at the moment.
- Stackoverflow is one of the biggest sites on the internet. Such sites have more than one server. Deploying your new version can be tricky and hard to manage. Nick Craver, Software Developer and Systems Administrator at Stackoverflow, explains how Stackoverflow deploys to production.
- Apache Mesos, a distributed systems kernel, abstracts your cluster of nodes into a single pool of resources. DC/OS is an enterprise grade datacenter scale operating system. Codecentric uploaded a short and entertaining video explaining What is DC/OS and Mesos?
- Continuous Integration (CI) is a hot topic in the DevOps world. Joseph Heck blogged the Six rules for setting up continuous integration systems.
Software Developer
- We all have heard or been hit by Murphy’s Law. But do you know the 15 Fundamental Laws of Software Development is funny but rather interesting blog post on how to sound smart at your next team meeting. No, really it is an interesting read.
- Have you ever thought or are you curious to know how’s the life of a software developer after 40? Then this is an interesting read.
- Bugs are the worst enemy for every software developer. We try as hard as we can to avoid them but sometimes they just pop out of nowhere. Still, are software developers the only ones dealing with bugs? No, not really.
- Hacking Team, a rather famous (not for the best reasons) surveillance company got hacked some time ago. Compromising documents were released. The hacker explained how he got access into Hacker Team’s internal network.
And… that’s all folks. See you next week.